Child Callers

Children old enough to use a telephone are old enough to learn about 911 as the following stories demonstrate. The payoff is big when children are taught what to do in case of an emergency. Just like adults who have completed emergency training courses such as CPR knowledge properly applied becomes the power to save lives.

Sylas Wagner knows that. Even at the tender age of three Sylas understood to call 911 when his mother suddenly fell unconscious from a drop in blood sugar. Sylas remembering what his mother had taught him about calling 911, grabbed her smart phone and made a life-saving call.

Seven-year-old Madison Davis had been taught to call 911 by her mother, Sophia, when she was five and Sophia was diagnosed with epilepsy. Madison is a pro at recognizing when to call for help. During the past two years, she has called 9-1-1 for her mom more than 15 times.

Isaac Roser also has the touch for handling emergency situations Monday after school he came came home to find his mother Vicky not acting like herself. Her chronic blood pressure problem caused her to lose consciousness. The nine-year-old took matters into his hands. Drawing on practice from school using a 911 simulator–through volunteer Paul Nicholson – Isaac got help on the way for his mother.

Stories like this are the primary reason Paul Nicholson is dedicated to teaching children in K through second grade in Humboldt County California, about what to do in an emergency. He spends 100 hours a year teaching 3000 students. Nicholson was recently recognized by the E9-1-1 Institute with the citizens in action award for the lies she's influenced in the past decade.

This article originally appeared in The Journal(NAED), Dec. 2011

* All content of this site was developed by Paul Nicholson through his dedication to 911 education since 2001, no other person or company is responsible for this site content. All content provided herein is for educational purposes only. It is provided "as is" and Paul does not warranty the information provided nor does he assume any responsibility for errors, omissions or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. Paul Nicholson is a retired insurance agent with over 39 years of experience.